Become a Life Transitioner

I help purpose-driven entrepreneurs in
creative & tech (35+) align their life and
business so that they can turn their side
hustle into a full blown reality.

Offer valid until 30th July '24
2/3 spots available

Become a Life Transitioner

I help purpose-driven entrepreneurs in creative &
tech (35+) align their life and business so that they can turn their side hustle into a full
blown reality.

Limited Launch Offer valid
until 30th July '24

2/3 spots available

Is this you?

I want something else but how do I even start
figuring this out?

How do I even start to change things, given the complexity and dependencies in my life?

I have no time, I feel overwhelmed and am low in energy, it’s always too busy.

'if only I can past this project', then I'll be fine’ .
But I never am. It's like I'm in a continual loop with no end.

Look, you're definitely not alone.

According to a study by Oracle, more than
75%of people feel “stuck” and "overwhelmed"
both personally and professionally.

Change is never easy, that’s because we don’t like uncertainty. As humans, we are hardwired for survival and prefer to know what’s coming next.

Yet, paradoxically... Once we take the steps, uncertainty and change is actually is proven to turn into increased confidence, fulfilment and overall life satisfaction, giving us the experiences and results we actually desire.

And change does not need to be overwhelming! with the right help, tools and process, it's absolutely possible to switch careers and create an ideal life vision fully aligned with your values, passions and purpose.

Look, you're definitely not alone. According to a study by Oracle, more than 75%
of people feel “stuck” and "overwhelmed" both personally and professionally.
Change is never easy, that’s because we don’t like uncertainty. As humans, we
are hardwired for survival and prefer to know what’s coming next.

Yet, paradoxically... Once we start taking the steps towards uncertainty and
actually make the change, it is proven to increase confidence, fulfilment
and your overall life satisfaction.

And change does not need to be overwhelming! with the right help, tools and process, it's absolutely possible to switch careers and create an ideal life vision fully aligned with your values, passions and purpose.

Now imagine you...

  • Have clarity and direction for an creating an ideal career path that supports your desired lifestyle

  • Have practical tools and step by steps to make tangible, significant steps forward

  • Start living more in alignment with your values, strengths and passions again

  • Have increased confidence, resilience
    and self-awareness

Now imagine you...

  • Have clarity and direction with your business and life, so you know which right steps you need to take.

  • Have practical tools and step by steps to make tangible, significant steps forward

  • Wake up feeling energised and confident

  • Have increased confidence, resilience
    and self-awareness


My coaching journey with Daniel has been one of deep transformation, new insights and better understanding of life, myself and the career optionsI have available to me.

Before I started the Transitions Program I was nowhere near feeling as excited about life as I am today. It’s taught me how I can move beyond any limitations I have put on myself to live the life I want to live.

I’m very thankful for Daniel’s guidance and highly would recommend him.

Dorien Lew, Creative Freelancer, Amsterdam

I was dealing with a major burn as an entrepreneur out and simply put, I needed helpto get back on my feet.

Daniel’s system was a timely wake up call, a realisation of the potential of my business, my role as a husband, father and importantly, the potential of and within myself. As cliche as it may be, the best investment is always in yourself and this isn't any different.

I'm honoured to share my journey with Daniel and I couldn't have imagined anyone better as a coach.

Patrick Koosman, Entrepreneur, Amsterdam

What you get

4 x 1:1 Sessions

4 x 75 min 1-1 sessions to mentor and coach you along the path of the 4-week program building

your new life/career vision and taking tangible

steps forward together.

Energy Leadership Index (ELI)

Understand your behaviours, attitude and level of perception as well as measure your current stress triggers and reactions helping you significantly increase self-awareness and the framework for emotional mastery.

Strengths Finder Blueprint TM

Comprehensive, scientifically validated
strengthsassessment that indentifies.
Providing you with a baseline clarity.

Weekly Self-Work Exercises

4-weekly guided challenges to build your new career and life vision and create significant progress in setting your transition in motion.

Mindset & Resilience

You will be taught the most up-to-date
techniques to master your mindset and stress
during the transformation process.

Future proof transition plan

We'll create a personalised transition plan
for your continued growth and success
beyond the 4 sessions of the program


Life Transitioners Universe

Week 1
Orientation & Self-Discovery

Key Results:

  • Introduction to the program, 1:1 coaching relationship & goal setting

  • Completion of Self Awareness assessment and full debrief of results

  • Identification of your current energy patterns and deep insights on the effects on your goal achievement

Week 2
Personality Profiling
& Branding

Key Results:

  • Completion and analysis of your strengths finder profile assessment
    to uncover your natural strengths and preferences

  • Development of a compelling personal brand statement and elevator pitch

Week 2
Personality Profiling and Branding

Key Results:

  • Completion and analysis of your strengths finder profile assessment to uncover your natural strengths and preferences

  • Development of a compelling personal brand statement and elevator pitch

Week 3
Exploring Career Paths

Key Results:

  • Synthesising insights from assessments and exploration activities

  • Researching potential paths and industries aligned with personal strengths and skills

  • Creating a strategic action plan with SMART objectives

Week 4
Resilience & Momentum

Key Results:

  • Proven techniques for managing stress, uncertainty, and setbacks

  • Tools to cultivate a growth mindset and reframe limiting beliefs

  • Strategies for maintaining momentum and continued growth

  • A personalised toolkit for ongoing success

Week 4
Resilience and Momentum

Key Results:

  • Proven techniques for managing stress, uncertainty, and setbacks

  • Tools to cultivate a growth mindset and reframe limiting beliefs

  • Strategies for maintaining momentum and continued growth

  • A personalised toolkit for ongoing success

Additional Bonuses

  • ELI Assessment + 1.5 hour debrief with the purchase of the 4-session package (worth 550 euros)

  • Comprehensive Strength Finder Assessment (worth 350 euros)

  • 10% discount for future programs


Right from the first moments of our sessions, it's evident just how passionate and well-informed Daniel is about the topics we dived into. Daniel’s enthusiasm for the program is nothing short of infectious, and found that incredibly inspiring during this transition.

My deep gratitude for Daniel’s passionate teaching style, Daniel’s wealth of knowledge, and his multi-dimensional approach to our sessions. These qualities make learning with you not just educational but also thoroughly enjoyable.

Behzad Arianajam, Affiliate Marketing Manager, Amsterdam

Being coached by Daniel and following the system has been an empowering journey. Daniels guidance has brought clarity to my goals. Deeply appreciate the insightful questions and constructive feedback Daniel provided me.

Daniel possesses a unique ability to craft
a positive and transformative coaching experience.

Ana Vale, Head of Digital Assets, Porto

Program Guarantee

Clarity on your Life Vision & Career or
I Coach you for Free

If you participate fully and do the work but don't receive clarity on your career direction and how to move forward, I'll coach you weekly for an additional month to make sure you get what you came for.

Program Guarantee

Clarity on your Career & Life Vision or I Coach you for Free

If you participate fully and do the work but don't receive clarity on your career direction and how to move forward, I'll coach you weekly for an additional month to make sure you get what you came for.


Daniel is incredibly intelligent, both in his brain and in his heart. He’s helped
me learn about myself, find my purpose, and I’ve begun to shape my life in a positive way.

Using the Career & Life Transition framework, I even gained the confidence to go
after and get my dream job.

It’s no exaggeration when I say I am a better man because of this program,
and I encourage all who aim to improve their personal and professional selves to give Daniel a call and prepare to change their lives!”

Daniel is incredibly intelligent, both in his brain
and in his heart. He’s helped me learn about myself, find my purpose, and I’ve begun to shape my life in a positive way.

Using the Transitions program framework,
I even gained the confidence to go
after and get my dream job.

It’s no exaggeration when I say I am a better man because of this program, and I encourage all who aim to improve their personal and professional selves to give Daniel a call and prepare to
change their lives!”

Evan Corliss, Head of E-commerce, NH, USA

Daniel is an enthusiastic coach. Committed, compassionate and
asks the right questions. He listened and put me at ease.

He was fully committed to working with me to achieve my goals.
The system he guided me through was life
changing for me.

Thanks Dan for being a part in my journey to be a better version of myself.

Daniel is an enthusiastic coach.
Committed, compassionate and asks the right questions. He listened and put me at ease.

He was fully committed to working with me to achieve my goals. The system he guided me through was life changing for me.

Thanks Dan for being a part in my journey to
be a better version of myself.

Mikkel Lindkvist, B2B Product Owner, Copenhagen

About Me | Daniel Wilcock

Certified Transitions Coach
& Facilitator

My name is Daniel and I'm a Life Transitioner.

I've recently left my corporate life behind to focus on what I love doing the most, helping people 35+ transition within or out of a corporate role they feel stuck in, but have no idea where, how or what to do given the complexities and dependencies in their life.

At 37, I decided to shake up my life by retraining, and transferring my skills to a completely different industry, becoming a UX/CX specialist for Global E-commerce.

At 40, I decided to up-skill again to become certified as a professional coach through iPEC (one of the world’s leading coaching schools), This gave me the skills I needed to do what I love the most (help others thrive in life).

Fast-track to now (aged 42)and we are about to sell our house, let go of most of our possessions and migrate to Portugal to live a simpler life.

What needs to change for you to feel more alive?

If you are a senior leader who struggles with self-alignment

in business and life while you transition in your journey

- what are you waiting for?

  • 24 years of career experience across Marketing, Design & Digital Divisions within Agencies & Corporate.

  • 24 years of career experience across Marketing, Design & Digital Divisions within Agencies
    & Corporate.

  • 42 years life experience. Husband and proud father to 5 incredible daughters.

  • 42 years life experience. Husband and proud father to
    5 incredible daughters.

  • Certified iPEC Professional Coach, Energy Leadership Index (ELI Assessment) Master Practitioner & Core Dynamics Specialist.

  • Certified iPEC Professional Coach, Energy Leadership Index (ELI Assessment) Master Practitioner & Core Dynamics Transitions Specialist.

About Me | Daniel Wilcock

Certified Business & Life Transitions Coach & Mentor

My name is Daniel and I'm a Life Transitioner.

I've recently left my corporate life behind to focus on what I love doing the most, helping people 35+ transition within or out of a corporate role they feel stuck in, but have no idea where, how or what to do given the complexities and dependencies in their life.

At 37, I decided to shake up my life by retraining, and transferring my skills to a completely different industry, becoming a UX/CX specialist for Global E-commerce.

At 40, I decided to up-skill again to become certified as a professional coach through iPEC (one of the world’s leading coaching schools), This gave me the skills I needed to do what I love the most (help others thrive in life).

Fast-track to now (aged 42) and we are about to sell our house, let go of most of our possessions and migrate to Portugal to live a simpler life.

What needs to change for you to feel more alive?

If you are a senior leader who struggles with self-alignment
in business and life while you transition in your journey.

- what are you waiting for?


What happens after I sign up & how to plan for program participation?

Initial Consultation: After payment, you will receive an introduction mail and access to my calendar, so that you can plan in a time and date that suits you for our first call. The first call will typically last 75 minutes and we will spend this time getting to know each other, discuss logistics and define a way of working which suits you best. After the kick off call you will receive a link to personality and career assessment which needs to be completed 48 hours before the second session. The second session typically lasts 90 minutes where we will discuss your results.

What if I cannot make the weekly call: If you are unable to make the weekly call, it is possible to reschedule using the calendar link. The most successful way is to keep to a weekly rhythm over the 8 weeks, if the timing works better for you, there is also an option to do bi-weekly calls.

Weekly Time Invest: During the 8-week period, I expect and recommend dedicating 2 hours per week to the exercises in between sessions. I do this
to establish a routine for you as well as achieving meaningful momentum and results during the time we work together. I will help you find a best way of integrating this into your daily routine during the kick off call.

Is this for me right now and will I be able to pull this off?

Starting a new career in your 30's/40's is quite a lot like starting a new family. There's never an "ideal" time. All that's needed is to decide that it's important enough to make that change. You will learn things along the way and a year from now, you will be further than you could ever imagine just by applying the simple rule of "one small step every day". If you know you really want this (no matter if with me or someone else) but you are concerned about obligations toward loved ones or a job, then it's good to consider how bitter and unfulfilled you might become over time when you keep sacrificing what you really want for others.

Would you be the best version of yourself (energised and fulfilled) if you didn't give yourself a chance to move towards and consider what your life would look like outside your current comfort zone, where your ideal career and ideal life visions actually exists?

Career & Life Transitions Program

At 30+, You've seen the game for what it really is and you are fed up of running through the same motions. You've been stuck in the corporate machine for as long as you can remember and you want out, You have come to realise that there is way more to life than what you have been told, and you'd be damned if you were going to spend the next 30 years of your life on the hamster wheel.

If you see yourself in the above, The Career & Life Transitions Program is right for you. I will help you get a grip on what careers options that match your ambitions and compliments your strengths, all the while helping you gain clarity on your ideal life vision as well ensure you have all the mindset tools and plan to get you there.

Within the program you have everything you need to explore, find and move towards your ideal career and life. This includes two powerful assessments which will not only transform how you think, but will also give you deep insights into who you are and what choices you have available in your life and career path.

What methodologies do I use and how will they help me build a new and more aligned career and life vision?

How you do one thing is how you do all things, which is why I always offer an holistic approach when it comes the helping you find a new career path.

Thats why I not only focus on helping you find the right next step in your career, but also helping you define what your ideal life vision is, as well as the mindset and resilience techniques needed to make your career and vision a reality.

I base everything I do not just on proven concepts and frameworks out there, but based on the experience of having worked with and gone through exercises, assessments and techniques myself, which has got me as well as others where they are today.

Career & Life Transitions Program

The career and life transitions program is all about giving you researched backed quantifiable insights and support to help you make a confident step towards a new career and life which matches and aligns with you and your priorities on every level. Not only that, but you will be supported using the most effective coaching techniques such as Neuro Linguistic Programming and Energy Leadership to help you break through any limited beliefs and blocks you may have in the process

The transitions program will boost your progress through efficient feedback through unlimited whatsapp support, powerful assessment insights, mentorship, coaching, a clear plan and accountability, ensuring that you keep on taking the small steps needed to get to where you want to go.

Where do you take your expertise from to put this service together?

At 39, I decided to embrace uncertainty and jump

For 13 years I worked as a head creative leading and delivering projects for big fashion companies. I did whatever it took to deliver, to prove I was good enough. To be acknowledged, to be accepted. It was like a fix for me. But it never satisfied me on the inside.

Success and praise was like a bandaid, but never a cure. I was stuck, unfulfilled and running on empty inside, affecting not only my work, but the people I love the most, my wife and daughters. I felt like a failure. Overworking, feeling frustrated, exhausted and overwhelmed was the norm for me.

Then, at 39, it happened - I could no longer keep running through the same motions. I realised I lost myself trying to be someone I was not.I decided to find the right support, up skill and change industry (switching to UX) to get out of the hole I was stuck in, and shake my life up. I wanted to know what it was like to feel alive again. In the uncertainty is where I found it.

I came to realise that with the right help, tools and processes, ANYTHING is possible if you set your mind to it.

Then, at 40, having gained confidence with switching industry, I used the momentum to invest everything I had into one of the most highly accredited coaching programs to become a professional coach, so I could help others become unstuck.

Since then, I have been using the same tools, processes and experiences to help others just like me.

Certified Professional Coaches

In 2022, I graduated as a certified professional coach from a 1 - year intensive coach training program of an ICF-certified top US coach training school named iPEC, known by many, as the Harvard of coaching. The coach training study changed my life. It was an immense transformational opportunity to learn about myself and take 100% responsibility of my career and life goals. I am know experientially equipped to help others go through the same transformational journey I have.

Are there any guarantees?

I am so confident about this process of you gaining clarity about your career path and life vision, that if you don't at least gain the clarity and tangible action plan by the end of 8 weeks, I'll work with you for free 1on1 on a weekly basis for up to a month after! As long as you're putting in the daily work

How it works: If you participate fully and do the work but don't receive clarity on your career direction and how to move forward, I'll coach you weekly for up to an additional month to make sure you get what you came for.

Sign Up Here

€997 €1997

Special Price & Bonuses only valid as part of my special launch offer if you sign up until 30 July '24 and limited to 2/3 spots this month.

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Sign Up Here

€997 €1997

Special Price & Bonuses only valid as part of my special launch offer if you sign up until 30 July '24
and limited to 3 sign-ups due to launch capacity.

Shipping & Your InfoUpgrade Your Order & Save!
No products available


Self Awareness Assessment

The first step to building a meaningful life & career is to better understand yourself.

Key Results:

  • A 1,5 hour debrief session with me to talk through findings, discover key insights about your strengths and weaknesses and identify next steps

  • You will receive a comprehensive Self Awareness Report

  • You will gain key insights into the current blocks on goal achievement so you can significantly increase self-awareness and gain a core framework for emotional mastery.

€350 €550

Still Got Questions?

Book a 15min Q&A Call.

Pick a Date and Time


Available Starting times for Mon, Oct 21, 2024